This was a class assignment for ITT Tech. Though the assignment was geared toward wanton destruction, I gave it some meaning. My instructor gave us a folder full of images and required that we use at least 10 of them. We were allowed one additional image of our choosing. I would prefer less clutter but that's classwork for you. I decided to comment on the division between the battle between the "right" and "left" in and how the division can be detremental to our nation.
This was created using Adobe Photoshop

This assignment came before DC Ruins, but my facination with apocalyptic scenes and urban decay steers my creativity when I am given collage assignments. You can blame the "Fallout" game series for that facination.
One of the things that I both love and hate about trying to stitch several images together into one is finding images that look like they are from the same perspective. Finding a good bridge picture took me over an hour.
This was created using Adobe Photoshop

This was one of my favorite assignments at UAB. We were required to use a personal picture and TV/Movie villains to create a magazine AD including a title, headline and copy. The most difficult part of creating this image was getting my body into Dr. Evil's clothing. The original picture of me was taken right after my fiancé inadvertently shaved all my hair off. Naturally, I had to strike a Dr. Evil pose to commemorate the occasion. Unfortunately,my arm was a totally different height and I had to move his sleeve up to my arm and rebuild the chest area.
This was created using Adobe Photoshop

This is only a small portion of a large group project I led for my product, the "Keyper," a Swiss-Army style keyholder. Along with "Keyper keeps your keys!" we coined the slogan "It's not rocket science - It's pocket science. The ad shows the lack of keyring evolution with the advancement of vehicle technology with the Keyper signifying the next step towards the future. The other image is the novelty design.
These were created using Carrara and Adobe Photoshop

There was an online tutorial using this tree stump that we followed loosely for this class assignment. I can't for the life of me remember where it is now though. I didn't learn much from this assignment but what I did learn was very useful. I hadn't thought of using channels to make a varying transparency selection before and without the tutorial I wouldn't have been able to make the water fall look so great in this image.
This was created using Adobe Photoshop.